How does this work?
In short, you purchase Oculus Quest VR headsets through Meta Horizon Managed Services, install a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution to control your VR headsets (we support ArborXR right now), and then we'll install our VR software on your headsets.
Then you put the headsets on trainees and train as many people as you wish.
The software does the hard work of getting people to realize this is a real problem, everywhere.
It might look or sound complicated, but it's really very simple.
How much is a software license?
Our “Single Campus Software License” allows you to train at one location at a time. You may purchase and use as many headsets as you wish with no limits.
TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story requires an annual license fee of $6000 per campus and a per headset Software as a Service (SaaS) fee of $50 per month, paid annually. This includes an initial “train the trainer” Zoom training and priority customer service by phone and email.
NOTE: As of 2/2025, Meta requires all Oculus Quest headsets being used for training to utilize Meta Horizon Managed Services when they use an MDM to load and update their software, like we do, so you must purchase headsets through Meta. Details here.
This sounds confusing, but we promise it's simple once everything is set up.
Contact us here, or call Billy Joe at 512.521.8874.
Once you are on ArborXR (the MDM we support right now - read more here), we can get your headsets set up in moments!
How many headsets can I use?
You may purchase and use the VR application on as many headsets as you wish.
We ask you to train in one location at a time, as the license calls for a single campus.
If you need to train in multiple locations (i.e. your group trains in different locations on the same day), we will be happy to customize a software license for your use.
Do I have to buy the headsets to train?
To do your own trainings, yes. As of 2/2025, all headsets must be purchased through Meta, and must include Horizon Managed Services. Meta has changed their policy so you can no longer provide training on consumer models, so all headsets must be purchased through approved dealers, such as Meta. Details here. Note that educators can spend an extra $100 when they buy the headset to unlock HMS forever and have no additional HMS costs.
There are other solutions if you're not ready to invest in headsets! We can bring a training to your location. Contact us to book a time good with your organization.
We bring our headsets to you (wherever you are!) and provide training for as many people as we can serve during the training. We have single day or multi-day events, and can provide staff to serve any number of trainees.
Learn more about event rentals and event support here.
What comes with a "license?"
Active software licensees receive
- Software license for the VR empathy module
- Friendly support by phone, screen-sharing, and email
- Updates to “TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story” training software
- In-class materials for teachers to build their own lessons
- Discounts on new modules
- Ability to monetize your training
How does it make training easier?
You are raising radical empathy for victims of this horrible crime by letting them have a personal connection with and hear directly from a victim. The story is based upon a real case and has been approved many experts in the field, including survivors and trauma-informed specialists.
Your trainees receive consistent, accurate material, delivered at a pace that they choose.
They can dig into the VR story as deeply as they want, with full agency to select what they are interested in learning about.
You have access, essentially, to a person with lived experience that can have a one on one conversation, explaining how things happened to them.
Using Virtual Reality headsets removes all visual and auditory distractions, so you are getting 100% of a learner’s attention.
You are not causing a survivor to have to pour their hearts out to a room filled with people that may not believe them. Once a trainee goes through this experience, they will.
How do others use this software?
The virtual reality software works in concert with any training materials you have or on its own.
Simply launch the application, put the headset on a trainee, and let them go through the story at their own pace (most people take 15-25 mins).
They become eager to learn more because they understand how anyone could become a victim through psychological manipulation.
Can I hire someone for an event?
Yes! Anyone with a license to the software can support any event, anytime.
We have personally helped many nonprofits educate their donors and supporters at their annual galas and intimate trainings. In fact, we did an event at Tony Robbins’ 60th Birthday Event at Microsoft Center in Los Angeles!
Let's discuss how to get your own license so you can use the VR software at your training or public awareness events anytime and anywhere you wish!
My question isn't listed here.
Totally understandable. Virtual reality training is brand new for almost everyone on the planet. Just give Billy Joe a call at 512.521.8874 or set up a meeting here.
Who else has tried the software?
Uprising Wyoming‘s Terri Markham
Houston Police Human Trafficking Unit Lieutenant Angela M. Merritt
Wichita Falls Mayor, Stephen Santellana
Debbie Solcher, Central Texas Regional Administrator of the Texas Office of the Governor Child Sex Trafficking Team
Carol Smolenski, Executive Director of ECPAT-USA
Jennifer Hohman, Founder of the Houston 20 & Houston Area Against Trafficking
Lisa Knapp, Co-Founder of the Austin 20, and her husband, Dave Knapp
John Nehme, President & CEO of Allies Against Slavery
George Lynch, CEO, Traffick911
Sharon Windham, Founder & President of United For Human Dignity
Christina Arnold, Director of Prevent Human Trafficking
Texas State Representative Tony Tinderholt
Dr. HaeSung Han and Jennifer Tinker, Co-Founders and Co-CEOs of POETIC, in Dallas
Dr. Don Christian, President and Chief Executive Officer of Concordia University Texas
Angie Goeke and Board Members of Not in Our City Houston
Lauren Petrowski, co-anchor, Good Day Austin on KTBC – FOX 7 Austin
PBS Decibel’s Crew: Blair Waltman-Alexin and Joe Rocha
NBC7 San Diego‘s Digital Correspondent Danielle Radin
Andrea Sparks, Director, Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Child Sex Trafficking Team
Todd Latiolais, Associate Director, Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Child Sex Trafficking Team
Terry Hamm, Director, Texas Association of Student Councils
EPIK Project‘s Justin Euteneier and volunteers
Erica Raggett, Owner, and staff of A 2nd Cup
Staff and volunteers of Refuge of Light
Staff at Love146 Houston
Hilary Sherrer, Marketing & Communication Coordinator, members of the board of directors, and other staff from The Landing
Staff at Tier One
Members of the Capital Factory board of directors, staff, and guests
Ken Rogers, Cinematic Arts Teacher, and Andrea Rogers, Data Processor at McCallum High School, Austin, Texas
Eric Chagala, Principal, and Angela Townsend, M.S., 8th Grade Math, 8th Grade History, and PBL Coach, from VIDA Middle School, Vista, California
Eric Cohen, Learning Design Coordinator, SIATech School for Integrated Academics and Technologies, Vista, California
Chenda Moore, M.Ed., Coordinator of Counseling Services, Pearland Independent School District, Pearland, Texas
University of North Texas Health Science Center‘s Martha Felini, PhD DC MPH, Associate Professor, Epidemiology, Department of OB/GYN and other UNTHSC leaders
Attendees of the FBI Citizen’s Academy’s Annual Conference
Dena Miller, Certified Mental Health Peer Specialist (MHPS), Executive Director, Peers Of Faith
Jan Edwards, Founder and President of Paving the Way Foundation
And over FIFTEEN THOUSAND others!