Dr. LaTienda Pierre, graduate coordinator for LSU Shreveport and retired law enforcement 16 years explains "It's very real and the storyline is very authentic."
Uprising Wyoming‘s Terri Markham
Erica Raggett, Owner, and staff of A 2nd Cup
Staff and volunteers of Refuge of Light
Staff at Love146 Houston
Hilary Sherrer, Marketing & Communication Coordinator, members of the board of directors, and other staff from The Landing
Staff at Tier One
Members of the Capital Factory board of directors, staff, and guests
Ken Rogers, Cinematic Arts Teacher, and Andrea Rogers, Data Processor at McCallum High School, Austin, Texas
Eric Chagala, Principal, and Angela Townsend, M.S., 8th Grade Math, 8th Grade History, and PBL Coach, from VIDA Middle School, Vista, California
Eric Cohen, Learning Design Coordinator, SIATech School for Integrated Academics and Technologies, Vista, California
Chenda Moore, M.Ed., Coordinator of Counseling Services, Pearland Independent School District, Pearland, Texas
University of North Texas Health Science Center‘s Martha Felini, PhD DC MPH, Associate Professor, Epidemiology, Department of OB/GYN and other UNTHSC leaders
Attendees of the FBI Citizen’s Academy’s Annual Conference
Dena Miller, Certified Mental Health Peer Specialist (MHPS), Executive Director, Peers Of Faith