
Since 2017, Lisa’s story has been opening people’s minds. Children, parents, teachers, trainers, medical students, law enforcement, therapists, school counselors, bankers, and so many others have told us how Lisa’s story has changed their entire mindset about human trafficking. 

This interactive training consistently delivers results to trainees of all ages. It teaches how people can be tricked and controlled by the “invisible chains” of coercion.



Dr. LaTienda Pierre, graduate coordinator for LSU Shreveport and retired law enforcement 16 years explains "It's very real and the storyline is very authentic."


Uprising’s Terri Markham uses TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story to train everyone from children to legislators using an interactive virtual reality experience.


Wichita Falls Mayor, Stephen Santellana, explains his experience learning about human trafficking through the interactive Virtual Reality (VR) training tool, TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story.


Lt. Merritt provides training to the Houston police and provides her assessment of the power of TRAPPED, the virtual reality training tool.

Houston Police Human Trafficking Unit Lieutenant Angela M. Merritt

It’s very real, it’s very typical from what I see on a daily basis, investigating human trafficking incidences. So it was very real. The fact that she wasn’t getting along at home is one intersection. The fact that she was online with this man that started buying her things, clothing…

It’s very accurate. It’s on point on how they meet their victims online.

It’s on point with how they groom them in initial meetings, where they find some type of avenue where the victim may be seeking some type of attention they’re not getting at home and they target that area and then they go from there and then it turns into the vicious cycle of control, manipulation, and coercion.”



“The Texas Association of Student Councils chose human trafficking as its project this year (2017-2018 school year), and we have been thrilled. 

We asked Radical Empathy Education Foundation to come to the annual conference to exhibit and do breakout sessions to discuss how it can be used in schools, because we believe students resonate with interactive learning materials, like TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story.”

- Terry Hamm, Director, Texas Association of Student Councils



“This is a real problem, and we want to do our part through this unique approach.

Students and faculty have been amazed by the way the virtual reality experience, TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story, makes people care about the educational materials they really must know to recognize a victim and what to do.”

- Eric Chagala, Principal, Vista Innovation and Design Academy




“It’s eye-opening to see the triggers, the things that would make children potentially want to do this.

Things that you would never think of.”

- Tony Tinderholt, Texas State Representative



“It is a great way for adults to “hear” directly what happened from a student’s perspective. I believe it would open the eyes of adults and foster compassion, empathy, as well as drive more adults to be changemakers.”

- Student, Texas Association of Student Councils Annual Conference


“This would be amazing for students to see because it would give them valuable info on what signs to be aware of to keep them and their friends safe.

Adults must see this because it needs to be a focus for them to keep their children and the children with whom they interact safe. What a powerful experience!

Please share this with as many people as possible.”

- Parent and attendee of the VIDA Educational Design Conference, 2018




“I have been working with human trafficking victims and volunteering for a nonprofit that spreads awareness for human trafficking for 5 years, and this was an eye opening and educational experience.”

- 5 year volunteer from Refuge of Light

See it. Believe it. “Get” it.

When it comes to learning in virtual reality, you simply have to “see it to believe it.” These experts have tried the interactive, narrative experience, TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story
If you know any of these people, just ask them what they think!

Debbie Solcher, Central Texas Regional Administrator of the Texas Office of the Governor Child Sex Trafficking Team
Carol Smolenski, Executive Director of ECPAT-USA
Jennifer Hohman, Founder of the Houston 20 & Houston Area Against Trafficking
Lisa Knapp, Co-Founder of the Austin 20, and her husband, Dave Knapp
John Nehme, President & CEO of Allies Against Slavery
George Lynch, CEO, Traffick911
Sharon Windham, Founder & President of United For Human Dignity
Christina Arnold, Director of Prevent Human Trafficking
Texas State Representative Tony Tinderholt
Dr. HaeSung Han and Jennifer Tinker, Co-Founders and Co-CEOs of POETIC, in Dallas
Dr. Don Christian, President and Chief Executive Officer of Concordia University Texas
Angie Goeke and Board Members of Not in Our City Houston
Lauren Petrowski, co-anchor, Good Day Austin on KTBC – FOX 7 Austin
PBS Decibel’s Crew: Blair Waltman-Alexin and Joe Rocha
NBC7 San Diego‘s Digital Correspondent Danielle Radin
Andrea Sparks, Director, Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Child Sex Trafficking Team
Todd Latiolais, Associate Director, Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Child Sex Trafficking Team
Terry Hamm, Director, Texas Association of Student Councils
EPIK Project‘s Justin Euteneier and volunteers

Uprising Wyoming‘s Terri Markham
Erica Raggett, Owner, and staff of A 2nd Cup
Staff and volunteers of Refuge of Light
Staff at Love146 Houston
Hilary Sherrer, Marketing & Communication Coordinator, members of the board of directors, and other staff from The Landing
Staff at Tier One
Members of the Capital Factory board of directors, staff, and guests
Ken Rogers, Cinematic Arts Teacher, and Andrea Rogers, Data Processor at McCallum High School, Austin, Texas
Eric Chagala, Principal, and Angela Townsend, M.S., 8th Grade Math, 8th Grade History, and PBL Coach, from VIDA Middle School, Vista, California
Eric Cohen, Learning Design Coordinator, SIATech School for Integrated Academics and Technologies, Vista, California
Chenda Moore, M.Ed., Coordinator of Counseling Services, Pearland Independent School District, Pearland, Texas
University of North Texas Health Science Center‘s Martha Felini, PhD DC MPH, Associate Professor, Epidemiology, Department of OB/GYN and other UNTHSC leaders
Attendees of the FBI Citizen’s Academy’s Annual Conference
Dena Miller, Certified Mental Health Peer Specialist (MHPS), Executive Director, Peers Of Faith