Moving Pictures
HOUSTON, Texas (A 2nd Cup Virtual Reality Experience Event) – Radical Empathy Live Event with Lieutenant Angela M. Merritt.
Radical Empathy demonstrated their Virtual Reality experience, TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story, at A 2nd Cup, in Houston Texas. Houston Police Human Trafficking Unit Lieutenant Angela M. Merritt spent a few minutes with us after her experience. Lt. Merritt shared her thoughts on the story itself as well as who could benefit from this teaching tool.
NBC 7 San Diego – Virtual Reality Can Teach Students Signs of Sex Trafficking
If sex trafficking was happening in front of you, would you know it? Many experts say the signs can be subtle.
“I think students are going to be shocked,” said Principal Greg Cohen. “I think they won’t know this is happening in their communities, let alone all of our communities.” The VR app puts students into the perspective of a sex trafficking victim. Slang terms that traffickers and victims use are incorporated.
AUSTIN, Texas (FOX 7 Austin) – Advocates for victims of human trafficking traveled from across the state for this rally at the state Capitol.
State lawmakers were given a chance to better understand the victims of Human Trafficking. It involved taking a step into Virtual Reality. A demonstration took place in the Capitol Extension. State Rep. Tony Tinderholt was one of the first to put on the VR head gear.
“You know its eye opening to see the triggers to make children potentially want to do this, things you’d never think of,” said Tinderholt. The Arlington Republican wants other lawmakers to put on the head gear. “I’m absolutely going to talk about this upstairs [on the Texas Capitol’s Senate floor],” said Tinderholt.
Read more here.
PBS / KLRU’s Decibel Program Features Virtual Reality Experience Created to Stop Child Exploitation
Researchers and game designers are just beginning to dig into the potential of virtual reality technology.
Radical Empathy Education Foundation is using this new frontier for a specific mission: Raising Awareness About Human Trafficking, using their VR Experience TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story.
TRAPPED A VR Detective Story complete walkthrough with callouts
This is a complete walkthrough of TRAPPED: A VR Detective Story. There is no music or ambient sound effects, so you can edit the raw footage, get Lisa's voice clearly, and not have to worry about matching up the music when editing with it.
Playthrough was done on a Quest 2 and cast to the Oculus website using Chrome, where I screen captured it on my Lenovo laptop.
I took the footage into Premiere and hand-placed each audio piece. You can hear all of the dialogue and the movement sound effects. I wanted to leave in the ambient sound effects, like the sprinkler sounds, but ultimately decided to focus attention on dialogue.
Enough about the technical junk!
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We want to help you learn how to end human trafficking!
Virtual Reality VS Human Trafficking – Radical Empathy Education Foundation, Billy Joe Cain
AUSTIN, Texas – July 27, 2020 – Research shows the best method to stop human trafficking is prevention education, and the best education is experiential. Radical Empathy developed their ONE GENERATION™ system blending educational materials with experiential Virtual Reality (VR) technology to deliver the most engaging, accurate, and researched-backed educational system in the world. It has seen success bringing it to organizations like the Houston Police Human Trafficking Unit and the University of North Texas Health Science Center, among others.
In Action Design ATX‘s July 2020 Meetup, Radical Empathy Education Foundation’s founder & president, Billy Joe Cain talked through the journey from initial learning objectives to interactive virtual reality script. You’ll see video clips of the solutions they arrived at, and hear the question and answer session at the end.
The experience was built after he spent a year learning the field of human trafficking. During that year, he built a sample version of the program and studied user behavior, ultimately going through eight iterations before settling on the experience as it is now.